Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Getting It On

Dear friends, 
our planet is in trouble. It does sometimes feel as if it too late, but we must not despair. We can all do something to help slow down or even reverse some of the damage that we have done. Yes we can! The line starts here. . .

Here are 5 things we can all do to help save our world:

1. Learn 2. Talk 3. Respect 4. Be kind 5. Unite

getting on with green

almost done. . .

hanging (leftover) fabric flags

kimi, his poster and the peace sign

don't forget the wildlife animal website!

busy busy busy

boys saving the animals

what's going to work? = teamwork!

voicing out our concern 

things we can do to help save our planet

making full use of what we already have

ting!! (thinking green)

May Allah reward you for all your efforts, big and small, and grant you Jannah!

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